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WBZ Weather Team
Terry Eliasen

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Some downpours in the forecast

The WBZ Weather Team has issued a NEXT Weather Alert for the risk of some heavy downpours and scattered thunderstorms on Thursday.

For the first time this month, we are tracking the potential for some significant rainfall.   Models are a bit disjointed, some showing a more widespread rainfall than others on Thursday.  Most, however, indicate the possibility of two separate rounds of downpours and storms.


The highest risk of rain for the largest area comes between 7am and early afternoon on Thursday.  This particular model shows a good dosing for just about all of southern New England with 0.5″-1.0″ of water.  There still remains a scenario where the heaviest rainfall gets shunted a bit farther south and, in that case, rain totals would be much lower.


Later in the day on Thursday, between 5-9pm, we may see one final downpour/thunderstorm.  This area would likely be much less organized and scattered in nature than the first round.

The overall severe weather risk is low on Thursday.  This does not look like a classic severe weather day for New England.

The main impacts would be from locally heavy downpours which could lead briefly to some areas of flooding.

Thursday will be quite muggy with dewpoints soaring well into the 60s.  We will see a decline as we head towards the upcoming weekend.

The good news is that any amount of rainfall will help to cleanse the area of all that yellowish Pine pollen which is currently coating everything.  And, with a risk of some pop-up showers Friday and over the Weekend, we should continue to see the slow decline of the Pine pollen season.

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