
List your business on the Westford Web and in the Westford Directory.
Four ways to promote your business!

1) Add your business listing to the Westford Directory
Submit your listing now!

2) Display a banner ad on the Westford Directory mobile app
3) Display a banner ad on the Westford Web
4) Offer money saving coupons on the Westford Web

Choose the options below that are best for your business!
Use the form at the bottom of this page to request information.


Add your business listing to the Westford Directory! 


  • Westford Directory Yellow Pages Ad
    Display your business information in the Westford Directory Yellow Pages. Listed alphabetically in the white pages and by category in the yellow pages. Appears both on the web and in the mobile app.
    Click here for more details and pricing options.

Sample Ad in the Westford Directory

Click here for Westford Directory Yellow Pages ad details & pricing options. Sign up on line today!

Display a banner ad on the Westford Directory mobile app! 

  • Westford Directory Mobile App Banner Display
    Add a  Banner display on the Westford Directory mobile app. Your banner will be displayed at the bottom of the mobile app and will be linked to your web site.

    • Full time display. Banner appears at the bottom each time app is opened.
    • Half time display. Banner appears 50% of the time at the bottom when app is opened.

Your banner ad at the bottom of the mobile app

Please contact us to request this advertising option.

Display a banner ad on the Westford Web!

Place your banner ad on the Westford Web and link to your web site! There are several options for the front page as well as options for the sub pages. All banner ads will display on both the desktop web version and the mobile responsive version. See the details below!

Westford Web Front Page

Westford Web Home Page

  • Westford Web Front Page, Top Right
    • Full Time Display – Banner displayed every time the page is viewed.
    • Half Time Display – Banner displayed 1 time for every 2 times the page is viewed (on average).
    • Quarter Time Display –   Banner displayed 1 time for every 4 times the page is viewed (on average).

Banner 340×60 pixels, upper right

  • Westford Web Front Page, Left Side
    • Full Time Display – Button displayed every time the page is viewed.
    • Half Time Display – Button displayed 1 time for every 2 times the page is viewed (on average).

Button 120×90 pixels, left sidebar

  • Banner on Westford Web Sub Pages: Notebook, Real Estate, Classifieds, Restaurants, Companies and other pages that are linked from the home page.
    • Full time on all sub pages. Displayed on all pages every time the page is viewed.
    • Half time on all sub pages. Displayed on all pages every other time on average.



Banner up to 486×60 pixels, centered near top

All banner and button design and creations require a $50/ one time fee.  Once a banner is designed, it can be saved for up to 2 years after last use and can be reused as is with no additional design charges. You can provide your own banner or button built to our specifications.

Offer money saving coupons on the Westford Web!

Please contact us to set up your Westford Web display ad!