Westford Directory Blue Pages
Town Information
Phone Numbers Blue Pages Index Detailed Information
Police & Fire | 911 |
Ambulance | 911 |
Animal Control Officer | 978-692-4574 |
Assessors | 978-692-5504 |
Building Department | 978-692-5527 |
Cameron Senior Center | 978-692-5523 |
Cemetery Department | 978-692-5526 |
Conservation Commission | 978-692-5524 |
Council on Aging | 978-692-5523 |
Engineering Department | 978-399-2716 |
Finance Director | 978-399-2573 |
Fire Department – Emergencies | 911 |
Other business | 978-399-2345 |
Health Department | 978-692-5509 |
Highway Department | 978-692-5520 |
Housing Authority | 978-692-6011 |
Human Resources | 978-399-2915 |
Library | 978-692-5555 |
Museum | 978-692-5550 |
Parking Clerk | 978-692-5515 |
Parks & Recreation Department | 978-692-5532 |
Planning Board | 978-692-5524 |
Police – Emergencies | 911 |
Other business | 978-399-2345 |
Recreation | 978-692-5532 |
Schools | |
Superintendent | 978-692-5560 |
Abbot | 978-692-5580 |
Blanchard | 978-692-5582 |
Crisafulli | 978-392-4483 |
Day | 978-692-5591 |
Miller | 978-392-4476 |
Nabnasset | 978-692-5583 |
Nashoba Tech | 978-692-4711 |
Robinson | 978-692-5586 |
Stony Brook | 978-692-2708 |
Westford Academy | 978-692-5570 |
Selectmen’s office | 978-692-5501 |
Technology Department | 978-399-2420 |
Town Accountant | 978-392-4450 |
Town Clerk | 978-692-5515 |
Town Manager | 978-692-5501 |
Treasurer/Tax Collector | 978-692-5506 |
Tree Warden | 978-692-5520 |
Water Department | 978-692-5529 |
Where to Find What You Need in The Blue Pages
– Information in The Blue Pages is current as of February 2019
Three ambulances operate from the Fletcher Station #1. Ambulance personnel are State certified EMTs/paramedics. The Westford Ambulance Fund, Inc. was incorporated in 1977 and continues to gratefully accept memorial and gift donations from the citizens of Westford in hopes of purchasing additional items and equipment. Tax-deductible donations may be sent to the Westford Ambulance Fund, PO Box 197.
Dan Hurd, Animal Control Officer
692-4574 westfordma.gov/animal
Town Pound 30 Beacon Street
Hours: by appointment Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm
Nights & weekends for emergencies only contact Westford Police 399-2345
The Animal Control Officer is a full-time town employee appointed by the Town Manager.
LEASH LAW – Westford has a 24 hour Leash Law.
DOG LICENSES -Town Clerk’s office 55 Main Street Mon-Fri, 8am – 4 pm, on the web at westfordma.gov, or by mail to the Town Clerk with a check and rabies certificate enclosed.
All dogs over 6 months old must be licensed and tagged and have proof of rabies vaccination. Licenses are valid for one year from January 1 to December 31. Owners who have not obtained a dog license by March 31 will be charged an additional $25. Fee: $15 per dog license for neutered/spayed and $20 for unneutered/unspayed.
RABIES CLINIC – offered by the Town each spring (typically March). Dogs and cats can be immunized for a small fee. Watch westford.org, the Westford Eagle and westfordma.gov for dates.
ASSESSORSPaul Plouffe, Principal Assessor/Appraiser 692-5504
Town Hall, 1st Floor Hours: Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm
Board of Assessors: Titus Palmer, Chair; Diane Holmes, Michael Coravos
The board members are appointed by the Town Manager and are responsible for hiring the Principal Assessor/Appraiser and for setting property valuations within the town. The Assessors meet at Town Hall. See westfordma.gov for property maps and assessor’s data.
Massachusetts Department of Motor Vehicles
24 hour information: 1-800-858-3926 massrmv.com
Lowell: 77 Middlesex Street M-F 9 am – 5 pm
Jim Duane, Director
Inquiries: mcollette@westfordma.gov
The Town operates two public beaches. The beach at Forge Pond is reached by an access road running between Stony Brook and the railroad tracks off Rt. 225 (Pleasant Street) in Forge Village. Edwards Beach at Nabnasset Lake is located at the end of Williams Avenue off Plain Road. Both beaches are open from 8:30 am-5:30 pm M-F & 9:00 am-5:00 pm on Sat/Sun, mid-June to mid-August. The Parks & Recreation Department oversees the operation of the beaches. Swimming lessons are offered at both beaches. Each has a concession stand and a picnic area. Edwards has a sand volleyball court and playground.
Beaches are free for residents with proof of residency. A $5 daily fee per person for non-residents is payable at the beaches. Nonresidents ages 3 and under, 65 and over free. A non-resident season pass ($75 for a family of 5) may be purchased at the beach or the Recreation Department office, 65 Main Street, third floor.
American Legion on Long Sought for Pond
Nabnasset Improvement Association Beach at Nabnasset Lake
Matt Hakala, Building Commissioner 692-5527
Henry Fontaine, Assistant Building Commissioner
Chet Cook, Asst. Inspector, Gas Inspector & Bylaw Enforcement Officer
Dennis Kane, Jr., Wiring Inspector
Arthur Smith, Plumbing & Gas Inspector
Town Hall, 55 Main Street, 2nd floor
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm
The Town Manager appoints the Building Commissioner who in turn appoints the Gas, Wiring, and Plumbing Inspectors. Permit applications must be submitted online to the Building Department for all construction including improvements such as swimming pools, the installation of wood stoves, re-roofing, replacement windows and re-siding.
Open burning of brush (no leaves) is allowed between January 15th and May 1st. To obtain a permit, visit the Fire Department Business Office at 65 Boston Road or apply for permits online at westfordma.gov/newapp.php.
Lowell Regional Transportation runs a Mon-Sat bus between the Gallagher Terminal in Lowell and six stops along Route 110 in Westford. See the complete schedule at LRTA.com/schedules.
A canoe launch for Stony Brook is marked by a sign on a tree north of River Street to the west of the brook. The current sign was created by Felicia Quan as her Girl Scout Silver Award project. The parking lot and path to the brook were cleared by the Westford Rotary in 1992.
The Commission is a policy setting board for the Town Cemeteries. The Commission meets as needed. Four Commissioners are appointed by the Town Manager to serve a three-year term.
St Catherine Cemetery (Catholic), 20 Pine Ridge Road
Operated by St Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Church, the cemetery is under the supervision of David LeBleu. 692-6353 extension 125
Russian Brotherhood Cemetery, Patten Road
Owned and operated by the Russian Brotherhood Organization. Contact person is Pat Beskalo Walsh, 978-502-4334 (home)
Pine Grove Cemetery Office 692-5526
88 Forge Village Road: Mon – Fri, 7AM – 3:30PM
Richard Nawoichik, Cemetery Supervisor
Heather Monahan, Senior Administrative Assistant
The Town has five cemeteries and one burying ground: Fairview, Hillside, Pine Grive, Westlawn, Wright Cemeteries and Old Pioneer Burying Ground.
For information call 864-4008 or 978-392-1840 Contact: Dilip Soman.
26 Tadmuck Road, Westford 399-0045 chabadnashoba.org
Rabbi Zalman Gurkow Rabbi@chabadnashoba.org
A Jewish outreach center providing Jewish experiences and opportunities for men, women and children.
87 Richardson Road, Chelmsford 251-8091 congregationshalom.org
Rabbi Shoshana Perry 251-8515 rabbi@congregationshalom.org
Reform Jewish Congregation serving the greater Westford/North Chelmsford area. Members of Union of Reform Judaism.
SERVICES: Tot Shabbat, Family Shabbat, Sunset Shabbat, Festival Services
32 Graniteville Road 692-6360 cornerstonewestford.com
Jonathan Romig, Pastor
Weekly Service: Saturday 5 pm
First Parish is affiliated with United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Association
Reverend Kathleen Hepler, Interim Minister
48 Main Street 692-8350 firstparishwestford.com
Hall Rental available for events. Contact the Church Office.
SERVICES: Morning Worship & Church School – Sundays at 10:30 am
Summer Worship – Father’s Day through Labor Day 9:30am
(formerly Temple Shir Hadash)
PO Box 221 800-792-0969
Independent Jewish organization focused on social, recreational and charitable activities. Website has details about upcoming events.
107 North Main Street Parish Office: 692-6353
St. Anne Church, 75 King Street, Littleton
Reverend Peter Quinn, Pastor
Parish Office: 692-6353
Faith Formation Office: 692-5435
Cemetery Office: Dave LeBleu 692-6353 ext 25
Weekend Masses:
Saturday at 4pm at both churches
Sunday at St. Catherine at 9am and 11:15 am
Sunday at St. Anne at 7:30am and 10:00 am
Weekday Masses:
M-T at St. Anne at 8AM
W prayer service at St. ANne at 8AM
T-F at St. Catherine at 8AM
RECONCILIATION: Services at both churches Saturday 3 – 3:45 pm
75 Cold Spring Road at the corner of Graniteville Road 692-7849
Reverend Suzanne Wade, Rector
SERVICES: Holy Eucharist -10 am, Church School – 10 am, Mid Day Prayers – Wednesday at 11:30 am
10 Church Street 692-4176 umcw.org
Reverend Dr. Seok-Hwan Hong, Pastor
Traditional Sunday Service – 9:30 am
25 Milot Road 692-3120 greatwisdomcenter.org
Venerable Bouakeo Songsouriya, Abbot
SUNDAY SERVICES: 10:30 am (in Lao with some English as needed)
Buddhist Holy Days schedule available on the web site
District Hotline 1-978-957-4690 AABoston.org
AMERICAN LEGION POST #159 2 Cross Street 692-7042
William Vullo, Commander
114 Dunstable Road, Nabnasset 692-7400
Mark Edwards, Commander
Westwind District Yankee Clipper #236 Council
Meets Friday at 9 am, Cameron Senior Center
DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution)
Colonel John Robinson Chapter
Marjorie Barnett 692-4269
Toody Healy, Chair 692-0012 (home)
FAME (FRIENDS ADVANCING MUSIC EDUCATION) westford.org/fame PO Box 627 Sona Pillai, President 978-496-9296 fame_westford1@gmail.com
Supports music students, teachers and programs at the Westford Schools.
Wendy Marcks, UMass Extension Educator 781-891-0650 ext. 29
Westford board members:
Emily Teller 692-6968 eteller@earthlink.net
Chris Barrett 978-496-1008 cbarrett@brucefreemanrailtrail.org
Works in partnership with State and local government toward completing a 26-mile rail trail from Lowell to Framingham. The BFRT is open from Lowell to just before Route 2 rotary in Acton. West Concord’s three miles will open in Spring, 2019.
Meets the 1st Thursday of each month. For info call 692-5523
Sunny Killoran, President 692-7925 (home) westfordfriendsebc.org
Katrina Munichiello, President 589-8008 (home) westfordlibraryfriends.org
PO Box 466 Heidi Hatke, President
For information on meetings and rental-Heidi Hatke 392-6827
For other information: Contact June Kennedy 692-8924
The Westford neighborhood council covers Daisies, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes & Seniors.
For more information, see http://westfordgirlscouts.scoutlander.com
Diane C Healy, President 692-2137 (home)
HEALTHY KIDS COALITION Co-Chairs Zac Cataldo and Anastasia O’Malley hkc@sustainablewestford.org
Engaging the community in supporting positive efforts toward overall wellness through healthier, cleaner food options and through de-stressing with exercise, sleep and fun.
KIWANIS Arthur Benoit, President 692-8932 (home)
Meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday at 7pm, Yangtze River Restaurant, Rt 110, Littleton
LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS 978-347-5989 info@lwv.westford.org
P.O. Box 59 lwv.westford.org
Bob Parsons 692-8468 (home) or Peter McGarry, Secretary 392-8745
Meets at Cameron Senior Center Thursdays, 7 – 10 pm
NABNASSET IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION INC (NIA) westford.org\nia Erik Crosby, President 781-760-0945 (home)
Box Office 978-760-3510 nashobaplayers.org
Jim Coutre, President nvpcpresident@gmail.com nvpcweb.org
Meets 1st, 3rd, & 4th Wednesdays at 7:30pm, Sept-May, J V Fletcher Library
PART (Amateur Radio Club) Andy Stewart, President (KB10IQ)
Meets 3rd Tuesday each month at the Cameron Senior Center, 7:00 pm and Sunday night, 7:30 pm over the airways, 146.955 MHz .
REPUBLICAN TOWN COMMITTEE PO Box 17 westfordmagop.org
Kathy Lynch, Chair 692-5756 (home)
ROTARY westfordrotary.org
Mike Beek 2019 President
Walter Miska, 2020 President
Meets Thursdays at the Westford Regency at 12:15 pm.
STONY BROOK FISH & GAME ASSOC. 128 Lowell Road 692-7062
Firearm safety training offered to the public. Two trap fields, a trout pond and archery.
Gloria Tu Gilbert, Director sustainablewestford.org
Supports sustainable and environmental education; health and food systems, and sponsors the Farmer’s Market.
Farmers Market on Westford Common Tuesday afternoons from
Gerry DiBello, Coordinator
Kristina Green, Founder and contact: upcycleit@sustainablewestford.org
TOASTMASTERS westfordexpressions.toastmastersclubs.org
Meets Mondays 7 – 8:30 pm at J V Fletcher Library
67 West Prescott Street 692-7015
Function hall available for rent. Contact: 692-4090 Brian Fitzpatrick, Manager
Helena Mickey Crocker, President waalumni@gmail.com
Kathy Harris 846-1428 westford.org/waboosters
PO Box 926 c/o Kevin Regan 978-846-0691
Geoff Hall, President 692-7972
Sue Higgins 496-4404
P.O. Box 668 wasa-ma.org
Sarah Fletcher, President westfordbusinessassociation.com
WBA is committed to the growth and vitality of Westford businesses in partnership with the Westford community.
Lori Cogliano, President 781-953-3344
Raises and distributes funds to enrich charitable, educational, cultural and environmental initiatives in the Westford community.
WESTFORD CHESS CLUB westford.org/chess
For information contact Ron Cahill 692-8285 (home) westford.com/chess
WESTFORD CHORUS westfordchorus.org
Dan Lacroix 692-5198 (home) westford1775.org
Ron Gemma 692-5668 (home) westfordconservationtrust.org
PO Box 255
Meets 3rd Thursdays at Roudenbush at 7 pm except July, Aug & Nov
Kelly Guthrie, President 692-6345 (home)
PO Box 535 westford.org/wef.org
An independent non-profit promoting innovative educational and professional development initiatives and champions of lifelong learning.
Chris Barrett, President 874-3210 www.westfordfriendsofrecreation.org
PO Box 247 westford.org/gardenclub
Co-Presidents Rosemarie Koester 692-2513 and Kathy Lynch 692-5756
Meets the 1st Wednesday each month at 10 am. Please call for location.
Office open 9-1 pm Mon, Wed & Fri, Linda Greene, Director
Museum hours Sundays 2-4 pm www.museum.westford.org
Meets the 4th Wednesday of the month, 7:15 pm at the Museum Cottage, 4 Boston Road.
A NAIC investment club. Interested in learning about investments, the club meets monthly in the evening. Contact Patti Mason at 692-8958.
Andrea Peraner-Sweet, President 692-7399 (home)
A private, non-profit organization educating landowners and working to preserve open space.
Mary Anne Seraphin, President 692-6345 (home)
Independent non-profit providing parent education and enrichment programs to enable parents to understand and address social and emotional issues affecting their children.
Norman Silva 692-8277
80 West Street, PO Box 742 978-692-3649 Westfordsportsmensclub.org
Offering a wide variety of activities to members and guests. Indoor and outdoor pistol ranges, a 100 yd rifle range, two trap fields, a sporting clays course, 3-D archery, stocked trout pond, and a tree farm and 200-acre game preserve. Membership is available through application.
WESTFORD WOMEN’S CLUB “Living the Volunteer Spirit”
Meets 4th Monday of the month Sept-May. Contact Lynne 692-2069 (home).
Serving the Westford area for over 40 years.
Find us on Facebook.
COMMUNITY CENTER – see Roudenbush Community Center
COMPOSTINGThe Recycling Commission encourages homeowners to compost food waste. Home compost bins may be purchased for $25 by calling Recycling Commission volunteer Denise Seyffert, 692-6986 (home). Yard waste cannot go out with your trash. The least expensive option is to mulch the leaves and let the mulch stay on your lawn. For a fee, Acme Waste collects leaves, placed in paper leaf bags at curbside, two Saturdays each fall. Register with the Town Clerk’s office, 692-5515. Several local garden centers accept yard waste for a fee and are listed at westfordma.gov/recycling under How to Recycle Almost Everything.
CONSERVATION AREASThe Town’s Conservation Commission and the non-profit Westford Conservation Trust manage acres of land and miles of trail easements, all open to residents. Refer to the Westford Conservation Trust’s booklet, Westford Trails or the Roudenbush Map of Westford, both for sale at Roudenbush Community Center and at the Town Clerk’s office. Westford Trails is also online at westfordconservationtrust.org.
Town Hall, 55 Main Street 2nd floor
Conservation/Resource Planner,Carol Gumbart 692-5524 (Hours:call ahead)
Permitting Program Assistant, Erin Toothaker
Peter Mahler, Chair
Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month at 7:30 pm at Town Hall
The seven members of the Commission are appointed by the Selectmen for 3-year rotating terms. They are responsible for management of the Town’s conservation land and administration of the State’s Wetlands Protection Act. Under this Act, it is necessary to file a Notice of Intent prior to doing any work within 100 feet of a wetland. The Commission then holds a public hearing, makes a site inspection, and writes an Order of Conditions detailing any required environmental safeguards. They also administer the Westford Wetland Bylaw which, among its regulations, prohibits the filling of wetlands and requires septic systems to be 100 feet from any wetland edge.
Cameron Senior Center
20 Pleasant Street 692-5523
Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 8 am-4 pm Tues & Thurs 8 am-8 pm
The Cameron welcomes Westford residents and those from neighboring towns age 55+ to join in the myriad of enrichment and wellness programs as well as services offered daily at the center. To learn more about the Center and its daily offerings, please visit our Council on Aging website at westford.gov/coa
The Center offers thirteen weekly exercise programs, golf, billards/pingpong, day trips, watercolor classes/Open Art Studio, state of the art fitness center, Cameron’s Upbeat Band, Music Makers, computer lab, medical lending library and many other opportunities. The Cameron has Bingo each Thursday night 6:45 pm- 9 pm (transportation provided if requested). Visit Trudy’s Boutique, a resale shop with clothes, jewelry, and other finds. It is open M-F 8am – 3pm. Donations are accepted. The Center also has a medical equipment lending closet.
Cameron Transportation Program – For Westford residents age 60+ and disabled. To book a ride, call: 399-2322Service area: Acton, Ayer, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Concord, Groton, Littleton, Lowell, and Westford. We ask that you give a 48-hour notice and book rides no more than a month out. First priority is given for medical appointments. We assist with other transportation needs. Each Wednesday we have a scheduled run to Market Basket. Recommended donation for service is: $3 round trip in Westford, $6 for surrounding towns and $8 for outlying towns. Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 8 am- 4 pm and nightly for COA sponsored programs.
Outreach Coordinator 399-2326 Annette Cerullo, LSW, is available to assist with fuel assistance, housing and SNAP applications, tax relief applications, medical equipment needs, handyman services, friendly visitors, and other home needs. Meetings can be scheduled at the Cameron or your home.
Town Social Worker 399-2325 Alison Christopher, LICSW, is available for all Westford residents for consultations concerning hardship situations, referrals, and information.
Alzheimer’s/Dementia Support Group
Contact: Sandy 758-6072
We welcome family members and caregivers who care for someone with Alzheimer’s and Dementias to join us on the 1st Wed of the month at the Cameron Senior Center at 6:30 pm.
Council on Aging Advisory Board
The Board meets on the 2nd Wed of the month at 4 pm except for July and August. All are welcome to attend. This Board is appointed by the Town Manager and the current Chair is Nancy Cook.
Visit westfoodpantry.org for monthly calendar of Food Pantry openings or like us on Facebook for more information. Meals on Wheels
Contact Elder Services of Merrimack Valley at 978-686-1472 to schedule having warm, nutritious meals delivered to your door Monday through Friday.
Other Area Services:
Companion/Respite Program Chelmsford Senior CenterBetty Chaput, Companion Coordinator 788-6174
This cost-effective program (for local residents) allows the caregiver much needed personal time for themselves, out of the house, getting a break, while the senior receives supervision through activities, a light meal (if needed) and companionship.
Adult Social Day Program Chelmsford Senior Center
Mon-Fri 8:30 am-3 pm. This day program offers seniors the opportunity to engage in physical cognitive and artistic activities for the enhancement of the mind and body. The goals of this program focus on enriching the lives of the particpants and for the caregivers who benefit from much needed respite. Contact the Program Manager at 788-6178 or cnormandy@townofchelmsford.us
Elders Services of Merrimack Valley
A state-funded program that provides home care services to qualified applicants. Also offered are community programs and services that include health insurance counseling, support for caregivers, assistance with Medicare errors, fraud and abuse, long-term care placement, food insecurity, money management and wellness programs to enhance aging healthy. Contact the Age Information Department at 1-800-892-0890.
Contact Chair: Anita Tonakarn-Nguyen anitatonakarn@gmail.com
The Council is a group of interested residents appointed by the Town Manager to review grant applications and award funds for community-based arts, humanities and interpretive science activities that benefit the community. Grant money comes through the Mass Cultural Council. For grant application and guidelines, visit: mass-culture.org/westford.
See Highway Department, p. 19 FAIRS, FESTIVALS, AND FESTIVITIES
J V Fletcher Library Book Sale
Chocolate Sunday at St. Marks Church
Regional Art Event at the Parish Center for the Arts
Greater Lowell Walk for Hunger
Town-Wide Yard Sale
Westford Road Race
Kiwanis Apple Blossom Festival & Parade
First Parish Pancake Breakfast – Apple Blossom Day
Garden Club Plant Sale
Memorial Day Parade & Ceremony
Town-wide Clean-up Day
Roudenbush Scavenger Hunt
First Parish Strawberries & Arts Festival
Franco-American Clambake
J V Fletcher Library Book Sale
Farmers Market
J V Fletcher Library Children’s Book Sale
4H Fair
Rotary Blues ‘n’ Brews
Franco-American Clambake
Kindergarten Welcome Days
Town-wide Yard Sale
First Parish Yard Sale
Cameron Senior Center Fair
Fall Fun Fest at Kimball Farm
Fall Foliage Festival at East Boston Camps
Graniteville Pride Spaghetti Supper
Roudenbush Annual Halloween Party
Veterans Day Ceremonies
Boy Scout Troop 159 Sporting Goods Sale
United Methodist Church Harvest Supper
St. Catherine’s Holiday Craft Fair
Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service
Tree Lighting on the Common 4pm the Sunday after Thanksgiving
First Parish Greens Sale
Westford Academy Bazaar
Festival of Trees
United Methodist Church Live Nativity
Scout Troop 159 sale of Christmas trees & candle luminaries
Dan O’Donnell, Finance Director 399-2573
Jesse Beyer, Town Accountant 392-4450
Town Hall, 55 Main Street Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm
The Finance Director and the Town Accountant are full-time town employees appointed by the Town Manager. The Director has responsibility for financial management and planning. The Accountant is responsible for budget control and maintenance of the financial records of the Town.
Finance Committee
The nine members are appointed by the Town Moderator to advise the Town Meeting on expenditures. Meetings are held on Thursday. Check Westfordma.gov for dates & times.
Joseph Targ, Fire Chief
Business Office: 65 Boston Road 978-399-2345 Office Hours: Mon – Fri 8:00 am – 4:00pm
The Westford Fire Department is administered by a full-time chief and staffed 24 hours a day by 38 full-time firefighter/paramedics, a Fire Prevention Officer and 6 call personnel who respond to assigned districts from three stations: Fletcher Station, 65 Boston Road, Nabnasset Station, 14 Oak Hill Road and the George Rogers Station, 39 Town Farm Road. The department also has an Auxiliary Force that serves as a training ground for future firefighters. The Fire Prevention Officer is responsible for the enforcement of fire prevention codes and fire safety regulations.
House Numbers
Town bylaws require your house number be visible from the street. The numbers should be at least 3″ high. If you have a question, contact Building Commissioner Matt Hakala, 692-5527.
Board of Health
Zoe Cataldo (Chair) 392-9214 (home)
Michele Pitoniak-Crawford 392-8536 (home)
Sue Hanley, B.S.N. 392-6816 (home)
Joanne Belanger, B.S.N. 692-4737 (home)
Stephanie Granger 589-9893 (home)
The five members of the Board of Health are elected for three-year terms. The Board is responsible for enforcing the State Sanitary Code and and Environmental Codes. The Board protects the health, safety and well-being of residents by adopting local regulations as needed and providing support to the Health Department.
Health Department ServicesBusiness Office: Town Hall, 2nd floor 692-5509
Office Hours: 8 am – noon, 12:30 – 4 pm
Laurie Lessard, Administrative Assistant
Health Director
Jeffrey Stephens, Health Director 399- 2929
The Health Director is responsible for overseeing the Health Department and assessing community needs, adopting and enforcing health regulations and implementing improved community strategies to provide affordable quality health care and preventative health programs and services for residents and town employees.
Ray Peachey, Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator 399-2528
Responsible for developing and implementing alcohol and other drug-related prevention programs and enforcing tobacco regulations within the community.
Sharps collection: boxes in the Health Department office and in the Police Department lobby.
Medications Disposal: collection boxes in the Police Department lobby.
Public Health NurseGail Johnson, B.S.N. Public Health Nurse 399- 2548
The public health nurse is responsible for implementing nursing/medical services: health clinics and immunizations, communicable disease follow-up, and health education programs. Home visits are conducted by appointment only for supervision of homebound elderly and tuberculosis follow-up.
School Dental Services
Catherine McLarney RDH Andrea McKinley RDH 978 692-5509
School-based dental program includes screenings and fluoride treatments provided for grades 2,4 & 6 and screenings only in grades K,1 & 3.
Upper Merrimack Valley Medical Reserve Corps (UMV MRC)
Jeffrey Stephens, R.S. CP-FS, Director 399-2929
Nancy Burns, Coordinator 399-2549
Part of a national program, this volunteer emergency response team assists the community in times of need and provides public health and community service between disasters. Medical and non-medical members are welcome to join. See umvmrc.org
Westford Coalition for Non-Violence
Gail Johnson, B.S.N. (Chair)
The Coalition is a town committee devoted to stopping relationship abuse and violence. See wcnv.org or Gail Johnson.
Environmental Services
Seth Lajoie, R.S. 692-5509
Oversees the Environmental Services division within the Health Department. Responsible for supervision of food and inspectional services. Enforces state and local regulations for Title V, well regulations, and the state sanitary code within the town.
To contact the Health Department about your system, call 692-5509. Westford has no municipal sewer system. Each home and business is connected to either a private septic system or a private waste water treatment plant. Septic systems require maintenance. Tanks should be pumped at least every two years.
Inspectional Services
Rae Dick, CP-FS 692-5509
The health agent performs environmental service inspections for pools, housing, HazMat, camps, septic systems, beach testing and stables. The agent also provides community education.
Food Inspector
Arnie Price, CP-FS 692-5509
The Food Inspector is responsible for inspecting and permitting all food establishments in Westford and provides education to both consumers and food service workers to ensure the highest level of food safety.
Richard (Chip) Barrett, Highway Superintendent 692-5520
Highway Facility, 28 North Street
The Highway Department services nearly 175 miles of roads, doing resurfacing, road improvements, and snow removal. Cares for the Common and grounds around municipal buildings except the schools.
Paul Starratt PE, Town Engineer 399-2716
Highway Facility, 28 North Street
The Town Engineer is responsible for reviewing public and private projects to insure compliance with codes and regulations. Engineering services are also provided to various Town departments, board and committees.
David Gutbrod, Chair 617-851-8228 (home)
Meets 3rd Wednesday each month at the Museum Cottage, 7 pm
The Town Managers appoint seven members and two alternate volunteers who are responsible for the preservation, coordination, education, promotion and development of the historical assets of the town and for overseeing the Demolition Delay Bylaw. The Commission also oversees the maintenance of the Westford Museum and Cottage.
HOUSING AUTHORITYLisa Larrabee, Executive Director 692-6011
65 Tadmuck Road Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 am – 2 pm
Meets 2nd Thursday each month 6 pm. Check westford.gov for location.
The Housing Authority is comprised of five members (four elected for five year terms and one appointed at the state level) and is responsible for expenditure of state housing grants and management of the four complexes.
Westford has four complexes for the housing of the elderly, handicapped and those with special needs: a forty-eight unit complex located at 65 Tadmuck Road, a twenty-five unit complex located at Church and Cross Streets in Graniteville, and six units located at School Lane. The Housing Authority also owns three units at Brookside Mill that are rented to moderate income families.
Hunting on private land requires written permission from the property owner. Hunting on Town land generally requires permission from the board that has custody of the parcel. Hunters must be in compliance with Massachusetts state law. Town boards may impose additional restrictions for parcels under their control. Refer to Chapter 95 Firearms the General Bylaws of the Town at westfordma.gov. Also refer to the Hunting Policy on the Board of Selectmen web page at westfordma.gov. or Lottery/Hunting applications on the Town Clerk’s page. For more information about hunting on a specific parcel, contact the board with custody of the parcel.
Information 1-800-843-5879 Monday – Friday, 9 am – 4:30 pm
Jurors are randomly selected from census lists of residents 18 years and older provided by the cities and towns in Massachusetts. Jurors serve for one day or one trial and are paid at their normal rate of pay by their employer for up to 3 days and $50 per day by the State for additional days. Unemployed jurors are paid a per diem rate by the Jury Commissioner’s office.
See COMPOSTING and check westfordma.gov/recycling .
Leaves or pine needles cannot go in your trash due to state and local restrictions. Burning leaves is also prohibited. The Recycling Commission urges homeowners to mulch leaves into their lawns.
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D) Term expires January 2025
warren.senate.gov. Boston office: 617-565-3170
Senator Edward Markey (D) Term expires January 2020
markey.senate.gov. Boston office: 617-565-8519
Representative Third District
The Honorable Lori Trahan (D) Term expries January 2021
trahan.house.gov Lowell office: 978-453-3200
State Senator (1st Middlesex District)
The Honorable Edward Kennedy (D) Term expires January 2021
State House, Boston, MA 02133 617-722-1630
State Representative (2nd Middlesex District)
The Honorable Jim Arciero (D) Term expires January 2021
State House, Room 146, Boston MA 02133 617-722-2320
50 Main Street 692-5555 FAX: 692-0287
Director: Ellen D Rainville 399-2312
Monday – Thursday: 10am – 9 pm
Friday: 1 – 5 pm
Saturday: 10 am – 5 pm
Sunday: 2 – 5 pm (January – April)
(Closed Memorial Day & Labor Day weekends)
Library Mission
The J V Fletcher Library serves as a progressive responsive community resource dedicated to the informational, cultural, educational and technological needs of its patrons. The Library supports its users in their lifelong pursuit of learning, personal growth and self-fulfillment. It encourages the young in their exploration of and celebration of the world.
The Library is a resource for exploring and using new technologies, collections and media. The Library provides a gathering place for community members – in all their diversity – to meet in social engagement, to share discourse, to ponder divergent ideas and to engage in civic connection. The Library strives to be both reflective of and responsive to the community. It also seeks to be in the forefront of professional library service – attracting and leading the community into the future in a warm and welcoming public setting.
The Fletcher Library Online
westfordlibrary.org supports, supplements and highlights our services, network catalog, juvenile and adult programs, electronic databases, and our ever-growing variety of free, downloadable digital collections.
The Friends of the Fletcher Library
The Friends offer invaluable financial and material assistance through Book Sale proceeds, their Fall Appeal drive, their annual membership drive, and other fund raising programs. Their generosity funds passes to over twenty area museums, Library programs and performers (including the Summer Reading Program), provides new equipment and furnishings and supplements extensive, multi-format collections.
Sign up for the Friends e-newsletter and see the offerings of this wonderful volunteer organization at westfordlibraryfriends.org.
Board of Library Trustees
Long-range planning and policy are set by the elected, six-member Board of Trustees, which meets the first Monday of the month at 7 pm in the Library.
Kathleen Canavan, Chair
Elizabeth (Buffie) Diercks, Secretary
Robert Price, Treasurer
Marianne Fleckner, Friends’ Liaison
Hajo Koester
Glen Secor
Licenses are that are required for certain businesses and activities are distributed by the appropriate authority. See Town Department Phone Numbers At A Glance section.
Alcoholic beverages Selectmen
Automobile sales Selectmen
Construction Building
Dog license Town Clerk
Earth removal Selectmen
Firearms Police
Fish and game Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Food and milk sales Health
Junk sales Selectmen
Marriage licenses Town Clerk
Public Entertainment Selectmen
Sewage disposal Health
Signs Selectmen
Solicitors Public Safety Communications
Stables Health
The Roudenbush Map of Westford is updated every two years with the newest edition published in January 2019. The map includes all new streets as well as proposed streets approved by the Planning Board; recreation and conservation land and trails noted in green; and locations of Town buildings and historic sites. The map is sold at Roudenbush Community Center, 65 Main Street; Printing Solutions, Six Carlisle Road; the Town Clerk’s office, 55 Main Street; and the Westford Museum, 2 Boston Road and Muffins on Main, 40 Main Street.
Westford Historical Society, Inc.
Linda Greene, Director
Phone and fax: 692-5550
Boston Road, P.O. Box 411
Office hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9 am – 1 pm
Museum hours: Sundays 2 – 4 pm (closed on major holiday weekends)
The Westford Museum is housed in the original 1794 Westford Academy building. From 1917 to 1974, the building was used as the Center fire station and was restored for use as a museum by Nashoba Technical High School students in 1976.
Memberships are available for individuals, families and businesses. Our exhibits change frequently. Lectures are held throughout the year. Special programs are conducted for school groups, scouts and seniors. If you are researching the history of your home or family in town, don’t hesitate to take advantage of our reference materials. The Westford Historical Society, Inc board meetings are held in the Museum Cottage at 4 Boston Road on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:15 pm.
Westford Eagle
Joy Hosford, Multimedia Specialist jhosford@wickedlocal.com
Fax number: 978-371-5711
In-town at Muffins on Main, 40 Main Street, Fridays 11am – 12 noon
The Eagle is published each Friday. Letters to the editor and news stories may be emailed by 9 am the Tuesday before publication. Items for the Calendar page need to be submitted by email or fax by 5 pm Wednesday, nine days before publication.
Lowell Sun 458-7100
491 Dutton Street, Lowell, MA 01853
A daily paper which includes coverage of Westford
Westford Academy School Council
Comprised of administrators, teachers, students, and parents. Meetings are held at Westford Academy. Contact: Hilary Langille,
Admin. Asst. to Principal, 692-5570, ext. 2101 for specific dates and times.
Westford Elementary School PTO (WEPTO)
Abbot, Crisafulli, Norman E. Day, Rita Edwards Miller, Nabnasset and Robinson Schools parent organization.
Westford Middle School PTO
Blanchard and Stony Brook Middle Schools mspto.webs.com
10 Lincoln Street on Westford Common
at the corner of Lincoln Street and Boston Road, 692-6333
This historic building has been the home of the PCA since 2000. Offerings include art, comedy, concerts, dance, piano recitals, teen concerts, theatre and private rentals, Programs are run by adult and teen volunteers. You are encouraged to join as a guest, a member or a volunteer to keep art and culture thriving in our town.
Patricia Dubey, Town Clerk Town Hall, 1st floor 692-5515
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm. Parking tickets must be paid by check, cash or money order within 21 days of date of issue.
65 Main Street, 3rd Floor 692-5532 FAX 392-4471
Mailing address: PO Box 2444 westfordrec.com
Jim Duane, Parks & Grounds Operations Supervisor
Recreation offers a wide variety of programs and activities throughout the year. A program brochure is published fall/winter and spring/summer and mailed to all Westford residents. Parks & Grounds maintains recreation/town properties, monuments and assists at the Stony Brook Conservation Land. Fields are permitted through the department office and fees are charged to support the cost of maintenance. Youth Sports Organization and Adult league pay an annual fee for support of recreation fields. Properties adhere to a carry in/carry out policy for patrons to remove their trash and other items when leaving.
Westford Partnership for Children Afterschool Enrichment Program
A collaborative between Recreation and the Westford public schools, the WPC began in 2004 and operates in all six elementary schools and Stony Brook Middle School. Enrollment is on-going with new sessions scheduled every two months. Register online at www.westfordrec.com
Parks & Recreation Commission
The Commission meets the first Monday each month at 6:30 pm. Members are appointed by the Town Manager for three year terms There are seven Commissioners and two alternate positions. Parks and Recreation Commission is a policy setting board for Parks, Grounds, and Recreation.
Youth Sports Offerings and Website
Westford Area Rowing – westfordrowing.com
Middle school through adults, competitive and instructional programs spring/summer/fall. Winter indoor rowing. David Cormier, Head Coach
Westford Youth Basketball – westfordhoops.com
Grades 3-12 December-March
Westford Youth Baseball and Softball League – wybsl.com
Ages 6-12 Spring, Fall; Sr. League Ages 13-15, 16-18 Spring
Summer youth and senior league play
Youth Fast Pitch Softball – westfordwaves.com
Ages 9-17 Spring, Summer
Flag Football, Cheering
Westford Flag Football – westfordflag.com
Ages 9-17 September-November
Westford Jr. Ghosts Football and Cheer – westfordjrghosts.com
Ages 8-14 August-November
Roudenbush 978-496-1707
Ice Hockey
nashobahockey.org Ages 6-14 September-March
westfordlax.org Ages 14 and under April-June
Westford Youth Soccer – westfordyouthsoccer.com
Ages 6-14 Spring, Fall
Grades 2-8, November-March
For Adult Sports Leagues, contact the office at 692-5532. See also: Beaches, Playgrounds, Tennis Courts.
PLANNING BOARDTown Hall, 55 Main Street, 2nd floor
692-5524 Hours: 8 am – 4 pm
Chris Kluchman, Director of Land Use Management
Jeffery Morrissette, Planner
Kate Hollister, Chair
Meets 1st and 3rd Monday each month at 7:30pm at Town Hall
The five Planning Board members are elected for five-year terms. The Board has two functions as defined by Massachusetts General Laws:
1) to establish planning goals and prepare plans to implement those goals, which take the form of the town’s zoning bylaws;
2) to administer the Subdivision Control Law, which establishes the process for development of new roads and new housing.
A developer’s proposed plans are carefully scrutinized for roadway design, drainage, soil conditions and a host of details related to proper siting. Site plans for commercial projects are also reviewed by the Planning Board.
As a part of the review process for subdivisions, the Board holds public hearings, notices of which are published in local newspapers and posted at Town Hall.
School playgrounds are open to all community members to use when school is not in session.
PARKER VILLAGE PLAYGROUND Jack Walsh Field, Carlisle Road
Slides, swings, spring riders and picnic tables, all made from recycled plastic. Volunteers raised the money for this playground which was installed in 2002.
Parker Village Playground at Jack Walsh Field, Carlisle Road
Slides, swings, spring riders and picnic tables, all made from recycled plastic. Volunteers raised the money for this playground, which was installed in 2002.
Richard Culver, Jr. Playground at Forge Pond Beach
Given by the Culver family for the Children of Westford
Single modular playground structure appropriate for ages 3 – 10, swings
Ronan McElligott Memorial Playground at Edwards Beach
Because all children deserve a place to play westford.com/ronansplaygound
A barrier-free boundless playground built in 2009 with funds raised by the Ronan McElligott Memorial Playground Committee.
Two age-appropriate modular structures, one for ages 2-5 and one for ages 5-12, include swings, tables, benches, slides and accessible surfacing.
Roudenbush Playgrounds at Main Street and Frost School
The Main Street playground behind Roudenbush includes a rock wall for young children, climbing structures for school age children, slides, and climbing bars. The Children’s Center at Frost has climbing structures for ages 3-8, a structure for infants and toddlers, all with slides, two sand diggers for toddlers, playhouse and a pavilion with picnic area, all on sand. Open to the public after 6 pm and weekends.
St. Onge Playground at Whitney Field next to Roudenbush
Swings, a slide and climb-on toys, given by the family of Dick St. Onge, a call firefighter who died in the line of duty in 1970. Refurbished as an Eagle Scout project in 2009 by William Stone, Jr.
Audrey A. Cogliano Playground at American Legion Field, River Street
Re-opened in 2006, the playground has a modular structure, tot and child swings, digger, and sandbox. Picnic tables and benches were completed as an Eagle Scout project by Dan Souza.
53 Main Street 399-2345
Crime Tip Line 399-2092
Rape Crisis Center 399-2998
Thomas McEnaney, Chief of Police
Mark Chambers, Deputy Chief
The Police Department is committed to promoting a strong police/community partnership to deter crime and to enhance citizen understanding of the role of the Police Department.
Westford’s Police Department is managed by the Chief who, with a Deputy Chief and two Captains, supervises four Lieutenants, seven Sergeants, forty five full-time patrolmen, and four administrative staff. There are three divisions: The Administrative Division oversees training, policies and procedures, and records. The Patrol Operations Division has responsibility for uniform enforcement to the community. The Special Services Division serves as the investigative arm of the department and is staffed by detectives.
Home checks and protection. Contact the Public Safety office to request a physical check of your property when you are on vacation for any length of time. Upon request, the Crime Prevention officer can visit your home to offer suggestions for a more secure home.
Police Amateur Radio Team. The volunteer group (PART) consists of amateur radio operators from Westford and surrounding towns. PART maintains an active schedule of community service and a direct VHF radio connection to Westford Emergency Management. Visit: wb1gof.org.
Firearm Permits. Under Mass General Laws, the Chief of Police is responsible for issuing permits to qualified applicants for selling, carrying and/or possessing a firearm.
Solicitors: Any door-to-door solicitor must be able to show a permit issued by the Police Department. Contact Public Safety Communications: 399-2345.
POST OFFICESDave Dundon, Postmaster
Westford Center, 301 Littleton Road 692-3756
Passport Applications and Photos
M-F 8:30-11:30 & 1:30-3:30
Sat 8:30-11:30 am
Westford Center 692-3756
Window Hours: Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm
Saturday 8:30 am – 12 noon
Post Office Box Hours: Mon – Fri 6:30 am – 5:15 pm
Saturday 6:30 am – 2 pm
Forge Village, 5 West Prescott Street 692-3865
Window Hours: Mon. – Fri. 9 am – 12 noon, 12:45 – 4:30 pm
Saturday 9 am – 12 noon
Nabnassett, 62 Brookside Road 692-3881
Window Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am – 12 noon, 1 – 4:30 pm
Saturday 9 am – 12 noon
65 Main Street 399-2345
Timothy Whitcomb, Operations Administrator
Public Safety Communications is the single point of contact to receive emergency and non-emergency assistance and services. Telecommunicators are staffed 24/7 to provide immediate assistance to callers and coordinate with first responders with directions and medical protocols. The office also registers and monitors fire alarms. See also: Licenses and Permits.
The seven members are appointed by the Town Manager and are responsible for organizing all of the Town’s recycling efforts. Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of each month, 7 pm at Roudenbush.
Details about all recycling programs are included in the Recycling Guide mailed to every household each June. Copies are available at the Town Clerk’s office and on the website. The website has oodles of information.
Residents are required to recycle. If you put recyclables in with trash, the Town’s trash hauler will leave your trash uncollected. Recycle plastic bottles and jugs, glass jars and bottles, cans, all paper and cardboard. All recyclables go into the same bin or barrel together. No sorting is needed.
Collection is at curbside every other week on your trash collection day. To find your collection day, go to the website. Recyclables must be at the curb by 7 am. Problems with recycling pickup, call Republic Services: 800-442-9006
Much more can be recycled/reused/repurposed.
Christmas trees: the Westford Firefighters collect used trees at your curb in early January. There is a $10 fee. Call 392-0028.
Leaves, grass clippings, pine needles – see LEAVES
Usable clothing, textiles, toys & small furniture: Collected in bins at the Abbott and Blanchard Schools, Westford Exxon on Rt. 110, Roudenbush and Nabnassett, and near Rt. 495 overpass on Concord Road. Place everything in trash bags. Run by N.E. Clothes Recycling Inc.
Motor oil: collected at Whitney’s Service, 107 Main Street ($1/gallon).
Appliances and “white goods,” metal: collected curbside the 3rd Saturday each month. Requires a $30 sticker which is available from the Town Clerk, 692-5515.
Food scraps: home compost bins can be purchased for $25 by calling Denise Seyffert 692-6986 (home).
Everything Else: See westfordma.gov/recycling
creating community. enriching lives.
65 Main Street 496-1707 Roudenbush.org
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am -7 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 8:00 am -12 noon (depending on programs)
The mission of the Roudenbush Community Center, Inc. (TRCCI) is to bring enrichment to individuals, families and communities in an inviting environment where there is always something new and exciting to explore. TRCCI seeks to collaborate with area businesses, community organizations and local government in order to develop and deliver relevant programs and services for all to enjoy.
As a non-profit organization, Roudenbush is funded by donations, grants and program fees to continue providing a wide range of fun and exciting programs.
The Roudenbush main facility at 65 Main Street houses community education classrooms for adults and children, gymnastics, and the School Age Program. The part-day preschool program is housed at the old Nabnasset School, 170 Plain Road as well as at 73 Main Street. The Frost building is also home to our a full-time day care center. Community Education brochures list all classes and program information and are mailed to residents and surrounding towns three times a year. You can visit the website at roudenbush.org for more information and to enroll for classed online.
THE ROUDENBUSH COMMUNITY CENTER, INC. (TRCCI) With a history of more than 40 years, TRCCI is an independent 501c3 not-for-profit organization that leases three buildings from the Town, offering various community education programs along with child care and pre-school.
Administrative Offices, Millennium Building, 23 Depot Street
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm 692-5560
See the town calendar at westfordma.gov and at the Town Clerk’s office.
School Committee
Avery Adam, Chair 978-392-5920 (home)
Chris Sanders, Vice Chair 978-692-0288 (home)
Arthur Benoit 978-692-8932 (home)
Megan Eckroth 978-251-7290 (home)
MingQuan Zheng 781-648-6412 (home)
Gloria Miller 978-496-1357 (home)
Alicia Mallon 978-729-1117 (home)
Meets every other Monday at 7:30 pm unless otherwise posted on the Town calendar at westfordma.gov and at the Town Clerk’s office. The seven members of the Committee are elected for three-year terms in rotation and, like all Town boards, serve without pay. The committee is the policy-making board for the public schools. Any concerns or questions about the schools should first be referred to the appropriate teacher or principal (see below). Any unresolved matter may then be referred to the Superintendent and the Superintendent will inform the School Committee.
School Closings
Posted on: first page of westford12.us westfordma.gov and westford.org
Announcements on:
Radio: at 6:30 am on AM stations WBZ 1030 and WRKO 680
TV: at 6:30 am on WBZ 4, WHDH 5 & WCBS 7 and FOX 25
Superintendent of Schools
Everett (Bill) Olsen 692-5560 ext 2103
Curriculum & Instruction Office
Kerry Clery, Asst. Superintendent 692-5560 ext 2105
Special Education
Courtney Moran, Director of Pupil Services 692-5560 ext 2111
The Special Education Department is responsible for providing effective programs and services for children between the ages of 3 and 21 who have been diagnosed as having a handicapping condition under Chapter 766 of Massachusetts State Law. Parents are encouraged to call for more information.
SCHOOLS AND PRINCIPALS 2019-2020 School Year
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade:
Rita Miller School, 1 Mitchell Way, Donna Pobuk, Principal 392-4476
Nabnasset School, 99 Plain Road, Susan DuBois, Principal 692-5583
Robinson School, 60 Concord Road, Kevin LaCoste, Principal 692-5586
3rd – 5th Grade:
Abbot School, 25 Depot Street, Lori McDermott, Principal 692-5580
Crisafulli School, 13 Robinson Road, Sharon Kennelly, Principal 392-4483
Norman E. Day School, 75 East Prescott St., Chris Louis Sardella, Principal 692-5591
6th – 8th Grade:
Blanchard Middle School, 14 West Street, Timothy Hislop, Principal 692-5582
Stony Brook School, 7 Farmer’s Way, Dr. Christopher Chew, Principal 692-2708
9th – 12th Grade:
Westford Academy, 30 Patten Road, General Information 692-5570
FAX 692-5502 James Antonelli, Principal ext 2104
Westford Integrated Pre-School
For more information: 692-5560 ext 2132
Millenium School 23 Depot Street behind Abbott School
100 Littleton Road 692-4711
Denise P. Pigeon, Superintendent-Director ext 103
Nashoba Tech School Committee
A 14 member School Committee and seven alternates represent the eight participating towns: Ayer, Chelmsford, Groton, Littleton, Pepperell, Shirley, Townsend and Westford. The members are appointed jointly by each town’s Moderator, School Committee and Selectmen.
Westford’s members:
Ron Deschenes 479-3964
Emanuel Manolopoulos 692-3421
Warren Adam (alternate) 392-5920
Mark Kost, Chair 589-9909 (home)
Elizabeth Almeida, Vice Chair 496-9609 (home)
G. Thomas Clay, Clerk 399-0241 (home)
Andrea Peraner-Sweet 692-7399 (home)
Scott Hazelton 692-9350 (home)
Selectmen meet 2nd & 4th Tuesday, Town Hall meeting room 7:30 pm
Televised live on WestfordCAT channel 9 for Comcast & 34 for Verizon.
The five Selectmen are each elected for three-year terms and are unpaid. They are the chief policy-making board of the Town and are responsible for the enforcement of all town bylaws and regulations.
To aid them in the conduct of their business, the board appoints the Town Manager who is responsible for many administration and appointment responsibilities. The board appoints Town Counsel, the Conservation Commission and the Board of Appeals, and must approve the Town Manager’s appointees for Fire Chief and Chief of Police.
For electrical outages or street lights that are not working, call National Grid at 800-322-3223 and report the street location and pole number. To report online, go to nationalgridus.com.
Christine Collins
Town Hall, 55 Main Street, 1st floor 692-5506
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm
Contact: Tony Vacca 692-2905
Comcast and Verizon are licensed by the Town to provide television, telephone and internet services to residents.
Comcast Customer Service 24/7: 1-800 COMCAST or 692-6500 Local office: Xfinity Store, 6B Cornerstone Square 727-8604
Verizon Customer Service 24/7: 1-800 VERIZON (1-800-837-4966) or 1-800-483-1000
The COMMUNICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE is appointed by the Town Manager to advise the Board of Selectmen in their role as Franchise Authority for services provided by Comcast and Verizon. The committee meets on an occasional basis at the Fletcher Library. Check with the Town Clerk’s office for posted meeting times.
Lauren Horton, Executive Director 692-7152 westfordcat.org
The studio is located at 487 Groton Road, Unit B.
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1037
(WestfordCAT) is Westford’s access provider and operates Comcast channels 8, 9, and 99 and Verizon channels 33, 34, and 35. WestfordCAT also provides training, equipment and playback services to residents who would like to produce and provide programming or post notices on these public, education and government (PEG) access channels.
American Legion Field, River Street – 1 court
Cameron Senior Center – 1 pickleball
Greystone, off Russell’s Way – 2 tennis, 1 pickleball
Capt. Stephen Hamilton Field, Plain Road – 1 court
Robinson School, Robinson Road – 4 courts, backboard
Jack Walsh Field, Carlisle Road in Parker Village – 2 tennis
Veterans Memorial Complex, Farmer’s Way – 5 tennis
Whitney Playground, Main Street next to Roudenbush – 2 tennis, backboard
Millworks, 22 Town Farm Road – 1 pickleball
Westfit (indoors), 4 Littleton Road
Westford Swim & Tennis Club (outdoors), 250 Littleton Road
Patricia Dubey, Town Clerk 692-5515
Andrew Sherman, Assistant Town Clerk
Town Hall, 55 Main Street 1st Floor Fax: 399-2555
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm
The Town Clerk is appointed by the Town Manager and this office has answers to most questions that residents might have. You can register to vote, buy the Roudenush Map of Westford, pick up a Recycling Guide; apply for marriage licenses and lots more. Other duties include registration of voters, issuing dog licenses, and recording all births, deaths and marriages.
The office keeps all Town documents, town meeting records and oversight of all elections. Staff includes a Notary Public and a Justice of the Peace.
Jodi Ross, Town Manager 692-5501, ext 1
Eric Heideman, Assistant Town Manager 692-5501
Project/Procurement Specialist 399-2921
Town Hall, 55 Main Street, 1st floor, Hours: Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm
The Town Manager acts as the agent for the Board of Selectmen and is the chief administrative officer of the Town, responsible for preparation of the annual budget, negotiation of all employee contracts except school employees, and maintenance of all town facilities except schools and the library. The Town Manager appoints the Police and Fire Chiefs (subject to confirmation by the Selectmen), the Budget Director, Highway Superintendent, Building Commissioner, Animal Control Officer, Recreation Commission, Town Clerk, Treasurer/Tax Collector, Water Commissioners, Cemetery Commissioners, Tree Warden, Board of Assessors and members of all other boards and committees under the Town Manager’s direct supervision.
Westford’s Open Town Meeting allows any registered voter a say in how the Town governs itself and spends its money. In September, the Selectmen establish policies and priorities for the Town Manager. Department heads and boards then prepare their budgets and submit them to the Town Manager who develops the final budget. The Finance Committee adopts its recommendations and publishes a booklet that contains both the Town Manager’s budget and its recommendations. The Finance Committee Report and Recommendations booklet is mailed to every household ten days before the March Annual Town Meeting.
The Selectmen put together the items to be voted on by the Town Meeting. Each of these items is called an article and together all the articles constitute the warrant. Any resident may place an article on the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting by petition by obtaining the signatures and addresses of at least ten registered voters. If the petition is presented to the Selectmen by the fourth Tuesday in January, the Selectmen must place the article on the warrant unless the petition asks the Town Meeting to do something that is illegal. A special Town Meeting may be called by petition by obtaining the signatures of 200 registered voters. The meeting must be held within 45 days of the Selectmen’s receipt of the petition, and voters must be notified ten days before the meeting. Once a Special Town Meeting has been called by the Selectmen, signatures of 100 registered voters can place an article on the warrant. Selectmen must mail voters notification of a special Town Meeting. Any articles on the warrant that have to do with the expenditure of money are reviewed by the Finance Committee prior to the Town Meeting. Any articles that have to do with zoning require a public hearing by the Planning Board prior to the Town Meeting. By law, notices of the hearings appear in local newspapers.
To vote at the 2019 Annual Town Meeting one must be registered by Friday, March 3rd. You may register at the Town Clerk’s office during office hours (see Town Clerk, previous page), or by mail using forms available at the Fletcher Library and state offices, including the Registry of Motor Vehicles. Annual Town Meeting is on the 4th Saturday in March and is held at the Abbot School gym beginning at 10 am and continuing all day. The 2017 Annual Meeting will be will be Saturday, March 25, 2019.
Town meeting is run by the Moderator Susan Sphuler (978-392-1456) who is elected for a three-year term. Debate and motions are governed by parliamentary law as summarized in Town Meeting Time, a handbook written by the Massachusetts Moderators Association. The most common motions are explained in the League of Women Voters’ free booklet Guide to Town Meeting. The Guide is also on the web at westford.com/lwv. Any voter may ask a question as long as it is relevant to the issue before the meeting. The moderator makes the final ruling.
After the town meeting is completed, the Assessors determine the tax rate. They take the figure of all the money that the Town Meeting votes to spend, add to that any other financial obligations that the Town will face in the coming fiscal year, and subtract all anticipated revenue including state reimbursement for education. That figure is divided by the total assessed value of property in town and the resulting figure is the tax rate. The Tax Collector sends out tax bills based on this new tax rate.
The Town contracts for residents’ trash to be collected weekly at curbside. To find out what day your trash is picked up, go to westfordma.gov/recycling and click on “Route Map” or call the Town Clerk’s office 692-5515.
Please think before you toss items in the trash. Westford pays over $70 a ton to dispose of trash at a waste-to-energy plant in North Andover. Recyclables are prohibited from your trash. If you put recyclables in your trash, the trash hauler will not collect it and you will have to hire and pay for a private hauler. Leaves, brush and appliances are also prohibited from your trash.
Items too big to fit in your trash barrel, such as mattresses, furniture or carpeting will be picked up by the trash truck only if you put a $5 bulk item sticker on each large item. Stickers are for sale at Westford grocery, hardware, and convenience stores and at Town Hall.
The Westford Recycling Commission has set up programs to help residents recycle the majority of household “trash.” Each June, the Commission mails a Recycling Guide to residents that explains these programs. Copies are available from the Town Clerk, on the website, or by calling any Commission member listed on the website.
Prohibited from your trash: Glass bottles and jars, metal cans, plastic bottles & jugs, newspaper, magazines, office & school papers, cardboard and mail. All of these can be recycled at curbside every other week on your trash pickup day. Machinery and automotive parts are prohibited.
Leaves, grass clippings and pine needles, see LEAVES.
White goods is a once a month pick up generally 3rd Saturday of the month that requires a $30 sticker from the Town Clerk, to be picked up at curbside. Examples are stoves, dishwashers, washer/dryers, refrigerators, water heaters, air conditioners, microwaves, lawnmowers.
Electronics recycling: Hold televisions and computer monitors for the electronics recycling. Go to westordma.gov for electronic recycling schedule. Hazardous waste can go to the monthly Lexington hazardous waste collection until Westford’s next collection in the spring of 2019.
Please follow these rules:
All trash must be at curbside by 7 am. 3 barrel limit/week. Please do not block mailboxes.Trash must be in barrels (no larger than 30 gal capacity) or bags (wall strength of 100 lbs) weighing not more than 50 lbs.
Trash Collection Holidays: Regular trash collection is on weekdays only. In a week where a holiday occurs, collection will be a day later than normal with Friday collection on Saturday. There is no collection on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
Complaints should be directed to Acme Waste at 781-935-6339. If not resolved in 24 hours, contact the Town Manager’s office, 692-5501.
Richard “Chip” Barrett. Leave a message: 978-399- 2731
Responsible for care of Town trees only, not trees on private property.
Ryan Cobleigh, Veterans’ Service Officer
Millennium Building, 23 Depot Street 392-1170
Heather Monahan, Senior Administrative Assistant for Veterans’ Services
Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8am – 4pm, Friday by appointment
Thursday morning at Cameron Senior Center
Federal Veterans Information, Boston 1-800-827-1000
The function of the Veterans Service Officer is to provide information to all veterans and also provide short-term financial assistance to qualified veterans and their dependents as mandated by Chapter 115 of Massachusetts General Laws. The State reimburses the Town for 75% of the costs of the program.
When and Where to Register: There is no waiting period to qualify to register to vote. If you are a U S citizen and will be 18 on or before Election Day, you may register to vote as soon as you become a Westford resident.
Register at the Town Clerk’s office in any Massachusetts city or town (e.g., Westford resident working in Acton can register at Acton Town Hall to vote in Westford) or use a mail-in registration form available at the Fletcher Library and state offices including the Registry of Motor Vehicles.
Registration Deadlines: Registration closes 20 days before any state or national election and 10 days before special Town Meetings. You may register during “closed” periods, but will not be eligible to vote in the upcoming election or Town Meeting.
To vote in a state primary: If you chose a party affiliation when you registered to vote, you will be given the ballot of that party when you vote in a state primary election. If you are unenrolled (not registered in a party) you will be given the ballot you request. Unenrolled voters remain unenrolled after voting in a state primary.
To change political party affiliation: Fill out a change of party enrollment card as you leave the polls after an election or at the Town Clerk’s office.
Absentee Voting: If you are unable to get to the polls on Election Day, you may apply for an absentee ballot from the Town Clerk any time before noon the Monday before the election. Apply either on an official application or by letter indicating the exact address to which you wish the ballot sent, and for a primary election which party’s ballot you wish to receive. After filling out the ballot, allow time for it to be mailed or delivered to the Town Clerk. If time is too short for mailing a ballot, you may vote in advance any time prior to noon the Monday before the election in the Town Clerk’s office. A family member may also apply for an absentee ballot on your behalf.
Where to Vote: Polling places open 7 am – 8 pm
PRECINCT 1 Abbot School, 25 Depot Street
PRECINCT 2 Blanchard Middle School, 14 West Street
PRECINCT 3 Abbot School, 25 Depot Street
PRECINCT 4 Robinson School, 56 Concord Road at Robinson Road
PRECINCT 5 Stony Brook School, 9 Farmers Way (off Groton Road)
PRECINCT 6 Rita E. Miller School, 1 Mitchell Way (off Russells Way)
For emergencies or after hours, call the police: 399-2345
60 Forge Village Road 692-5529 FAX 692-5530
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 4 pm
Stephen Cronin, Superintendent 399-2455
Dave Crocker, Operations Manager 399-2456
Larry Panaro, Business Manager 399-2453
Mark Warren, Environmental Compliance Officer 399-2457
Hugh C. Maguire, Chair 692-8612 (home)
Titus Palmer, Vice Chair 692-9271 (home)
Chuncey Chu, Alternate 508-517-7150
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 60 Forge Village Road at 8:00 am.
Appointed by the Town Manager, the Water Commissioners oversee the department and the Superintendent.
The department operates two treatment plants, five water tanks, nine pumping stations and three booster stations, and maintains water lines serving approximately 4700 homes while actively seeking new sources of water.
Westford Academy, 30 Patten Road
Box Office: 692-5570 extension 7469 Tickets online: mktix.com/wata
Mike Towers, Artistic Director, mtowers@westfordk12.us
Opened in January 2001, this state-of-the-art performing arts center is home to Westford Academy student performances in music, dance and drama. With seating for 839, the theater also hosts community and touring productions.
Permitting Office at Town Hall, 2nd floor 692-5524
Hours: Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm
Bob Herrmann, Chair
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 pm unless otherwise posted.
The Zoning Board of Appeals is a quasi-judicial body of five members and two associate members chartered under both Massachusetts General Laws and Westford’s Zoning Bylaws to hear and decide on petitions regarding zoning variances, special permits, appeals from decisions of the Building Commissioner and comprehensive permits (Chapter 40B). Announcements of upcoming ZBA hearings are published in the legal notices section of either the Westford Eagle or the Lowell Sun and posted at Town Hall and the Town web site.