Westford Parent Connection talk on “Cyberbullying and Its Negative Impact on Socail Networking 7pm

Title: Westford Parent Connection talk on “Cyberbullying and Its Negative Impact on Socail Networking 7pm
Location: Stony Brook Middle School – Farmer Rd. Westford
Description: Cyberbullying and Its Negative Impact on Social Networking – Cyberbullying takes cruelty to a whole new level. Derogatory and abusive text or cell phone messages or Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter posts can spread quickly and cause far-ranging, long-lasting damage. Dr. Elizabeth K. Englander, psychology professor and founder and director of the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC), will present Understanding Cyberbullying and Social Networking on Wednesday, January 21. (Thursday, January 22, will be used as a snow date if the weather is inclement.) Dr. Englander is a nationally recognized researcher and trainer in the field of childhood aggression, bullying, and cyberbullying. This event – which is free and made possible by the Westford Parent Connection – begins at 7:00 p.m. and will be held in the Stony Brook Middle School auditorium, 9 Farmer Way, Westford. For more information, go to http://www.elizabethenglander.com or contact Mary Anne Seraphin at mseraphin@comcast.net. You can also go to the Westford Parent Connection website at http://www.westfordparentconnection.com for more details.

Date: 2015-01-21

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