Westford Parent Connection present Ed Gerety Motivating Students to Make a Difference 7pm

Title: Westford Parent Connection present Ed Gerety Motivating Students to Make a Difference 7pm
Location: Stony Brook Middle School – Farmer Rd. Westford
Description: Nationally recognized speaker Ed Gerety returns to Westford Wednesday, January 14, 2015 to present Motivating Students To Make A Difference. An expert on the topic of student leadership, Ed brings a refreshing look at today’s youth. He will share techniques to break down barriers and strengthen communication with our teens. Parents, teachers, and students will learn how respect, character, appreciation, leadership, and a positive attitude make a difference when it comes to raising young people. Ed is a dynamic, compelling speaker with a great sense of humor and plenty of valuable advice.

Ed’s talk will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Stony Brook Middle School auditorium, 9 Farmer Way, Westford. Wednesday evening’s presentation is a continuation of a conversation Ed will have with all Westford middle school students at Blanchard and Stony Brook on January 14 and 15. Student presentations are made possible by a generous grant from the Westford Education Foundation. The parent presentation is sponsored by the Westford Parent Connection. Please join us Wednesday evening for a life-changing conversation. For more information about Ed, go to his website at http://www.edgerety.com or contact Mary Anne Seraphin at mseraphin@comcast.net.
Date: 2015-01-14

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