Club Information


Co-Presidents:   Jan Corcoran, Judy Corbett

Secretary/Membership:  Janis Page

Treasurer:   Sarah Crissey

Programs:   Wendy Lane and Norma Scullen

Publicity:  Peg Mullen and Robin Connell


Our meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month, except for September which is the second Wednesday,  usually at the J.V. Fletcher Library.  Any changes will be announced.  Refreshments are served at approx 9:30 AM followed by a business meeting at 10 AM and then the program.   Sometimes we reverse this process.  If we have a program at other sites, we will meet at a designated spot to carpool.   See our schedule below for announcements.   New Members are always welcome!!!

NOTE: There will be no meeting when the Westford Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather.


All residents are welcome!   You needn’t be a gardener – we will be happy to have you join us or help you get started with gardening.   There are many very knowledgeable members who are willing to share their knowledge (and sometimes plants) with you!   There is an annual Membership fee of $35.   Our requirements are that members serve as a host/ hostess at least once a year, participate in one of our committees and our fund raising efforts.

For  questions, or general information, please contact:

  • Judy Corbett, Co-President  978-985-6352 (Cell)
  • Jan Corcoran, Co-President  508-574-0478 (Cell)

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