Election Season Survival Series 2024
Aug 15 topic – Activism & Creative Pursuits
It’s a tumultuous Presidential Election season. Let’s cope together with this new FREE bi-weekly group open to folks high school or older who are LGBTQ+ or allies in Westford & surrounding towns. Each meeting will feature topic or issue tied to strategies to cope with political stress. Meetings typically begin with a speaker and are followed by Q&A or open discussion.
Each week has a unique topic or focus. August 15 we focus on Activism & Creative Pursuits. There are many techniques folks can utilize to take action towards changing things or being creative to allow them to move away from the feeling of being a victim to taking charge into a role of being a source of positive change. We will take a look at how activities such as getting involved with community efforts and being creative activate new feelings and self-perceptions.
Coping strategies and plans for self-care are also key to building healthy patterns that are a new framework upon which you can build. During this session we will walk through these techniques to see how they be used to help you and your loved ones cope.
There is an exceptional amount of stress on LGBTQ+ and non-gender-conforming folks of all ages right now with state legislation being passed and the presidential campaign platforms (particularly the Trump platform) targeting our community and promising loss of rights in addition to punitive legislation.
During these sessions, it will be our intention to allow folks to express feelings around election concerns but to avoid getting involved in discussions on details regarding election topics as they are triggering for many. We will talk about practical and actionable strategies for self-care and self-preservation.