Westford Parent Connection (WPC) presents “Understanding Executive Functioning? Talk – 7pm FREE

Title: Westford Parent Connection (WPC) presents “Understanding Executive Functioning? Talk – 7pm FREE
Location: Stony Brook Middle School – Farmer Rd.
Description: WESTFORD PARENT CONNECTION (WPC) – Could Your Child Use Some Help With Executive Functioning? Just what is executive function? Simply put, it’s the way the brain organizes and retrieves information. It’s what people use to plan, organize, strategize, pay attention to and remember details, and manage time and space. Students with weak executive function capabilities may have trouble planning and executing projects; telling stories or communicating details in an organized, sequential manner; memorizing and retrieving information; or initiating activities or generating ideas. Sarah Ward, MS, CCC-SLP, a recognized leader in the area of executive functioning, will present Understanding Executive Function: Skills And Strategies For Parents of K-12 Students on Thursday, October 22. The event, which is free and open to the public, will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the Stony Brook Middle School auditorium, 9 Farmer Way, Westford. Ms. Ward’s presentation is a joint venture of the Westford Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) and the Westford Parent Connection (WPC) and is geared toward parents and educators of children of all abilities. For more information, go to http://www.westford.org/sepac/ or to http://westford.com/wpc/.

Date: 2015-10-22

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